Hello World!

My name is Minh Mai and I'm a Software Engineer at NYDIG.
I like cats.

I consider myself super generalist. Prior to my position at NYDIG, I was at GoodRx, CAVA and 0ptimus Consulting, where I had the opportunity to make a positive impact with tech. Outside of work, I doomscroll cat videos, try to find the best food in NYC, or train to be a better dancer/powerlifter/boxer.


  • Examined (possible) correlation between Waffle House density and poverty rates
  • Wrote common machine learning algorithms by hand
  • Practice my data science chops with random projects
  • Abstracted away Airflow's infrastructure using Helm
  • Tried (and failed) to train a neural network to mimic my speech using my Facebook Messenger conversations
  • Build a small app on AWS to send text messages (for free!) using CDK

Big Three Lift @ 185 lbs.